In the enchanting sequel to Moana, the beloved heroine and the charismatic demigod Maui reunite for an epic adventure. When Maui's magical fish hook is stolen by a mysterious dark force, Moana and Maui must embark on a daring journey across uncharted waters to reclaim it and restore balance to the ocean. No demigod of the wind and sea should be without Maui's Magical Fishhook with its magical lights and sounds!
With its sculpted details, rope-like handle, and all-new colourful light pattern, it's just like the one Maui uses in Disney's Moana 2. With stunning animation and a captivating original score, Moana 2: Mauis Magical Fish Hook promises to be a heart-warming tale of courage, identity, and the magic of believing in one another. Join Moana and Maui as they navigate new horizons and protect their island home from impending darkness!