This DIY Mad Toys Magic Science Experiment Kit includes 6 magical science experiments
ACID-BASE REACTION This experiment teaches kids the fundamentals of acids, bases, pH Scales and indicator. With a solid explanation of bases and acids while doing the experiment, kids will enjoy watching the colours change in response to the different liquids.
BUBBLING REACTION An example of a chemical reaction that produces a gas is the reaction between baking soda and lemon juice (citric acid). If you mix baking soda with lemon juice (citric acid) both substances quickly react to form bubble!
MAGIC SAND This magic sand is made from sand coated with a hydrophobic compound. The presence of the hydrophobic compound causes the grains of sand to adhere to one another and form cylinders when exposed to water, and form a pocket of air around the sand.
INSTANT SNOW Sodium polyacrylate is a polymer. Its molecules are very long and consist of identical fragments. When polymer granules absorb water, they significantly increase in volume and become visually similar to snowflakes.
BUBBLES ON YOUR HAND Sugar helps the bubbles evaporate more slowly, making longer-lasting bubbles. The glue affect strength and weight. Bubbles are the perfect mix of play and science!
EXPANDING BEADS Water beads are made of superabsorbent polymers. While they may start very small, when exposed to fluids such as water, they can absorb, enlarge and retain their weight.
Learn the science behind these magical experiment! Become a little scientist and explore the wonderful world of science with our Mad Toys Magic Science Experiment Kit. Discover and learn the whys and how's of the world around us using these fun experiments. Are you ready? Let's g!