When I fell in love with her, she exuded the magic of Eve. When I identified him, he was wearing a white robe woven from the lineage of Adam. She charmed me with the blackness of her hair and made me fall in love with her to the point of blindness I forgot my home, my clan, my authority, and my throne.
So I made her a queen who lives between the ribs of my chest. He took me with his magnanimity to a world beyond sight. So I followed him unconsciously until I found myself dwelling in the paradise of his chest and basking in the bliss of his love. Until our feet took us to that cursed tree from whose fruits we picked, and the curse fell upon us. Our hearts fell from the seventh heaven to the mire of the earth. Our love became weaker in the face of the curse of the fruit that made us separate and separate from those we love.