Al-Qiyam Quran with thematic division of the verses of the Holy Qur'an. Each page of this Mushaf contains five pages of the Qur'an of the Preservation, and each part of the Holy Qur'an came in four pages, to facilitate the reader and memorizer of the Book of God Almighty, and we linked with it the objective division of the verses of the Holy Qur'an by making each subject a color that suits it on the Qur'anic sheet with an explanation of it at the bottom of the newspaper. , , This Noble Qur'an was written in the manner of (objective interpretation of the verses of the Noble Qur'an). He assigned each subject a color to it on the Qur'anic folio, with an explanation of it at the bottom of the folio. Also, each part is divided into four pages; To make it easier for those who pray at night and those who are in prayer, so that they do not turn the pages of the Qur'an a lot during their prayers.