Allura's life is a testament to the strength and resilience of cross-cultural educated middle east, who is railing again. Her compelling emotional journey is based on true stories of extrordinary wohe aronesi in wrongly conieved by the outside world as "spoilt." a tower of strength and energy, her enthusiasm to challenge life's obstacles and temptations reflects some of the mind-blowing hardships some women experience. , Bound by passion, linked by need - she is compelled to stand on her two feet early in life. Having a first-hand experience of the real world, allura's reclusive and vulnerable character turned into bold, courageous, resolute, fiery and tempestuous. Social constraints, family upheavals and unexpals and unexpected tragedies are just among a few things that force allura to make life changing choices of her own, which is when her her her her her whol, which her her her her her, which is whol. Inspired by a true story.