Inflated game platform has 10 color-coded holes and floats on the surface of the pool.
9 play balls come in three different colors for team play.
Contents: 1 platform, 9 play balls, repair patch
Easy to inflate, deflate and store
Deflated size: 1.05 m x 97 cm (3 ft. 4 in. x 3 ft. 2 in.)
Shoot! Score! WIN! With the Bestway Pong Champion Pool Game Set, pool time can be pal time as you compete for the top score while laughing and splashing the day away. Get your friends together and create 3 teams of three, giving each team a set of 3 play balls in a different color. Take turns aiming for the 10, color-coded holes on the floating game platform and see how many play balls you can plunk into them. But watch out! The inflated bumpers around the color-coded holes could pose an extra bouncy challenge - slow and steady dominates the game!