The book is a collection of stories that represent society with all its spectrums and contradictions, exposing social hypocrisy, exploiting opportunities, and abandoning the values of some in order to climb the moral abyss, in accordance with the principle that the end justifies the means. The collection of short stories also presents the concept of the relativity of truth.
The characters' use of masks is linked to the psychological and societal situations and conditions that the individual goes through during the stages of his life. Every oppressor is oppressed at some point in his life, and we all carry masks in varying proportions in our lives that may be part of our humanity, and may be harsh and shocking masks in some situations.
The reader can draw a lesson and a sermon from the story that may enable him to open the windows for self-review of his life, work to awaken conscience, return to the path of humanity again, and correct the path.