Designed for Toddlers: The ride on toy with 4 modes has the perfect size for 1 - 3 years old baby boys and girls to rock and ride. The wide seat with high backrest and the detachable footrest will provide a comfortable sitting and riding experience for your little one, and there's also a sound button at left side to let toddlers have more fun on
Fine Motor Skills: This upgraded classic toy helps tots improve gross motor skills, balance and coordination while also being whimsically fun. Toddlers 'll be putting upper muscles to work and learning new push & pull motions to rock, also start to remember how to move body to create a certain way of rhythm.
Safe for Baby: The Rocking Horse is made from HDPE, Lead-Free high quality material, smoothly rounded with a high seat back and side cover to keep little rider safely in place as they gallop off on an adventure. The handles are easy to grip and no-slip. Low saddle design with large bottom balance board for better stability.
Deal Gifts for kids: The Rocking Horse is well packaged in a box and ready to be handed over. Looking for a meaningful gift for your little one at Birthday, Easter, Children's Day, Christmas or New Year? Congrats, you just find the perfect choice!
Cute Rocking Horse can easily switch into a ride on toy with push handle, Horse head can turn a balance bike with 4 wheels or a balance board, provides rocking fun and riding fun for toddlers in different ages no matter indoor or outdoor.