يمكن أن تكون المراهقة وقتًا للتوتر ليس فقط للأطفال الذين يمرون بها، ولكن أيضًا لأولياء أمورهم. من الطبيعي أن يستكشف المراهقون شعوراً جديداً بالحرية ويعيدوا تعريف طرق علاقتهم بوالديهم، ويمكن لهذه العملية أحياناً أن تجعل الآباء يشعرون بالعجز أو يستبعدون من حياة أطفالهم. يقدم الكتاب تفاصيل حول مرحلة المراهقة. Adolescence can be a time of stress not only for kids going through it, but also for their parents. It is normal for teenagers to explore a new sense of freedom and to redefine the ways in which they relate to their parents, and that process can sometimes leave parents feeling powerless, or excluded from their children's lives. These effects can be magnified further in this modern age of cell phones, social networks, and constant digital distraction. This book shows parents how to build stronger bridges of communication with their children, break the destructive cycles of guilt and blame, and work towards greater mutual respect with their adolescents. The methods in this book work to build vital social and life skills through empowerment and encouragement and not through punishment.