يغطي هذا الكتاب كل ما تحتاج إلى معرفته حول معجزة الحمل. تستمد البروفسور ليزلي ريغان، وهي طبيبة توليد معروفة عالمياً، من خبرتها المهنية وتجربتها الشخصية لشرح ما يحدث بالضبط لك ولطفلك أثناء الحمل. المزيد من التفاصيل والمعلومات الهامة تجدونها في الكتاب. This book covers everything that you need to know about the miracle of pregnancy. Professor Lesley Regan, a world famous obstetrician, draws on her professional expertise and personal experience to explain what exactly is happening to you and your baby during pregnancy. This also tells you what to expect right from conception to birth and from the moment after conception to feeding your newborn baby. Find advice and explanations to ensure that you have the best possible understanding of this extraordinary and wonderful time. Whether you are looking for a perfect gift for a new mum-to-be or searching for a comprehensive book for your own needs, Your Pregnancy Week by Week is for you.