Strong resistance green complete with exercise sheet
The Sissel Strong Press-Ball is a solid foam ball available in different densities to improve mobility in the fingers and thumb and to increases grip strength and improve dexterity. Included with the Press-Ball is a useful exercise sheet.
Recommended AgeSuitable for Mumz
Product Dimensions<!--desc-->TheSissel StrongPress-Ballis a solid foam ball available in different densities to improvemobility in the fingers and thumb and to increases grip strength and improve dexterity.Included with the Press-Ball is a useful exercise sheet.<!--enddesc--><!--features-->Strong Press Ball
Late rehabilitation and strength gains
Small, solid foam ball
Strong resistance green complete with exercise sheet<!--endfeatures--><!--pkgdimensions-->40 x 35 x 35 cm<!--endpkgdimensions--><!--weight-->0.7<!--endweight--><!--sweight-->0.9<!--endsweight--><!--rage-->Suitable for Mumz<!--endrage--><!--returns-->1<!--endreturns-->