Pedal Powered Go Kart - This go kart for kids offers effortless operation with no gears or batteries that require charging which perfectly avoid much issue from battery, wire connection, etc. Your kids could ride it by themselves and they can have an exercise in the meantime.
Real Driving Experience - Control the go kart by steering wheel to move forward/backward. Your kids can pull back the hand break next to the seat to stop this pedal go kart. The gear lever is also included which is located on the middle of chain guard. Normally use this go kart when the gear lever pull forward.
Strip on Wheels for Security - EVA rubber wheels are in proper size and feature secure design for your kids to go many places like hard surface, on grass, ground which lessens the risk of hazard. Your kids can play it no matter indoors OR outdoors, on a sunny day OR rainy day.
Durable & Portable Design - Constructed by metal frame and Polypropylene plastic which is sturdy and light- weight, this pedal go kart is a great gift for your kids to enjoy their happiness. This pedalling go-cart with handle on the seat helps you more efficiently to pull the kids pedal go kart outdoors.
Best Gift for Kids!
Allow your child enjoy driving at dusk, night & day with LED Taillight & Headlight. This ride-on for kids provides a safe and comfortable driving experience.