The book Child Health Around the World: The Adventures of a Kind-hearted Paediatrician is a message that aims to increase humanitarian global medical volunteering among our medical and community circles in Saudi Arabia, the Gulf, and the Arab countries. It is also a loud voice calling for change in the hands of the youth and the new generation, openness to the other world, and equality among all the world's groups on one standard called "humanity." This book is about the experiences I lived and coexisted with, and my personal analysis of them from a scientific, humanistic, and social perspective. Perhaps these experiences will enrich the discussion and inspire my generation and the generation that came after me to contribute to changing the world and making it better than ever, "one patient at a time." It also aims to discuss equality, racism, social determinants of health and children's rights from a local and global lens at the same time, which makes the reader focus on the similarities among human beings around the world instead of focusing on the differences. In short, it is a draft of my thoughts on global citizenship, openness to the other and helping the poor and needy, regardless of their colour, race, religion or sect.