The lower portion of the spine, just above the buttocks, naturally curves inward toward the belly (the lordotic curve). A lumbar back support helps promote good posture by simply filling in the gap between the lumbar spine and the seat, supporting the natural inward curve of the lower back. Without lumbar back support, it's more difficult to maintain the correct posture - and the lumbar spine and large muscles in the lower back have to work harder to support the proper curvature and alignment. Over time, as the body tires, the muscles holding the spine in such a position tend to become weak, and the head and upper back tend to lean forward to compensate the weakening of the lumbar muscles. The natural tendency is to slouch and/or lean forward in the office chair. With good lumbar back support from the office chair, the muscles surrounding the spine are relieved of much of the responsibility of having to keep the spine naturally curved. This support is especially important when seated for a long period.