The events take place in these two battles the Illiad and the Odyssey in the twelfth century BC in which the Greeks, the natives of ancient Greece, and the Trojans, of Troy fought. These two countries were neighbors and separated by the Aegean Sea. Their trade was flourishing but the relationship between the nations was always very tense., One day a major thing happens and sparks a 10-year war between the two countries, in which a large number of victims were killed., , The story of this war was narrated by ancient storytellers. Their stories aroused the interest and enthusiasm of the Greeks. They moved from one generation to another until they reached a storyteller named Homer who wrote the epic poem called The Iliad, in which he recounts the causes and events of this war. After The Illiad, Homer wrote The Odyssey which deals with one of the Iliad heroes, Ulysses, and the circumstances that accompanied his return to his country after the end of the war.