Very Easy To Wear, Like A T-Shirt: Wear Koala Cuddle Band 2.0 just like you would with a t-shirt and in a few simple steps your baby will be safe!
It Adjusts With A Gesture: It adapts perfectly to the body of every mother and father because it is easily adjusted using the appropriate rings. Thanks to the ergonomic backrest you can say goodbye to back pain!
Ideal From The Baby's First Days: The Koala newborn sling ensures maximum support and comfort even for newborn and very small babies, such as premature babies. The natural organic cotton, soft and breathable, is ideal for newborns' delicate skin and makes it the perfect summer baby sling.
Hands Free To Do What You Want: The baby carrier is the perfect solution to maintain your independence and give your baby the contact he needs. With your hands free you can walk outside, answer an email, play with the older child and do whatever you want.
The Best For You And Your Child: Our products are designed together with the best experts and rigorously tested to guarantee the highest quality for you and your child.
Easy To Clean: Koala Cuddle Band 2.0 can be machine washed, and the fabric material will always retains its softness.
Koala Cuddle Band 2 allows you to fulfil your baby's innate need for physical contact without having to say goodbye to your freedom; you'll be hands-free to do whatever you want. A ready-to-use baby sling, slip it on over your head like a T-shirt, adjust the rings for a perfect fit, and in just a few simple steps, your baby will be safe and secure, close to you. The ergonomic and breathable back support panel distributes baby's weight evenly across the back. Adjustable in one single step, it adapts easily to fit all shapes and sizes.