Promotes the health of the digestive system and colon, and helps relieve digestive disorders such as (constipation, diarrhea, bloating).
Promote healthy energy levels in the body.
Raises the efficiency of the immune system, and helps to remove toxins from the body and fight free radicals.
Improve cell sensitivity to insulin.
Enhancing the feeling of satiety and fullness and reducing appetite.
Promote heart and blood vessel health.
Improve healthy cholesterol levels in the body.
Perfect metabolism improvement.
FDA certified.
GMP certified.
No added sugar, sweetened with stevia sugar.
Free from artificial colors and flavours.
Laperva Super Greens formula provides the foundational nutrition your body craves to support healthy digestion, detoxification, a healthy immune system, healthy blood sugar levels and metabolism. Super greens powder is an excellent way to get too many micronutrients and antioxidants quickly and easily from just one scoop. The formula also features a detox blend, energy blend, digestive blend, and antioxidant blend.
The detox blend is specifically formulated to fight toxin recirculation and to support cleansing in the body. The energy blend helps promote healthy energy levels without the crash you get from caffeine, sugar or energy drinks. The digestive blend contains carefully selected digestive herbs, traditionally used to help in controlling gastrointestinal disorders, irregular bowel movements, reflux and constipation symptoms.
The antioxidant blend is designed to boost immunity, enhance stamina and cleanse the body.