You have within yourself the power to enrich your life the power to overcome adversity and attain happiness, harmony, health and prosperity. This book enumerates principles set forth by Dale Carnegie and applied by millions of people to learn how to program their approach to the vast variety of situations one meets in life. You will learn how to diagnose your strengths and weaknesses and how to enhance those strengths and overcome the weaknesses. , , It will help you understand how you currently deal with life's vicissitudes, identify these traits and pinpoint your special needs. There are self-administered inventories to measure what you do when faced with such adverse conditions. Key life enrichment mantras you will acquire from this book are: How to Assess and balance key phases of your life: personal, family, job and career etc. Measure how much stress you face and how you deal with it Develop a health-oriented life style Interact most effectively with others and how to deal with difficult people Test your charisma quotient, to become a charismatic person How to measure your emotional intelligence and take control of your emotions Score your skills in dealing with the conflicts you face. The advice presented here will enrich your life. These are not theoretical sermons or philosophical discourses, but come from years of experience of people just like you, who have applied them to change their lives from average, mediocre existences to satisfying, rewarding, meaningful and exciting journeys.