Get a soft and supple body with this gentle exfoliating scrub.
Removes dead skin cells and rough patches.
Experience the wonderful feeling of soft texture when you use this cream.
Quick absorption that rejuvenates your skin and gives it silky softness.
Suitable for dry hands and cracked feet.
Max-On Hydramax Ultra 10 cream polish and condition your body from head to toe with a gentle, creamy exfoliator that removes dead skin cells and rough patches. Experience a body makeover with this light and absorbent Max-On Hydramax Ultra 10 cream which leaves your skin renewed, silky smooth and glowing.
How To Use?: Use it regularly twice a day on the affected areas. Massage into skin until it is fully absorbed.
Ingredients: Aqua, Ultra Pure Urea 10%, Glycerine 15%, Humectant, Shea butter, Soyabean oil, Mineral Oil, Triglyceride, Antioxidants.