Installation is not available for outside the City Limits locations.
, , This Light weight & Compact MW- A3 Magnesium Alloy folding electric scooter Is Fully power packed with front suspension and front, rear and side ambient lights powered by the LCD screen which has Bluetooth and can be connected to a mobile application., The Rideon A3 electric scooter works with a 350W motor and has a range of 25 km with a full load. This electric scooter reaches a maximum speed of 25km / h. It has solid wheels to avoid punctures and a modern, lighter and sleek design., The curious thing is its 8 wheels. They are solid and Honeycomb type. That is, the massifs that many Xiaomi users were looking for and modifying in their respective scooters., The design is very careful and the quality is high like all the models that A3 sells., Something quite colorful but at the same time important are the bottom lights. Since in the dark, it favors that the rest of people who go circulating visualize the scooter and prevent accidents.