Custom made protective face shield designed for children
Face shield with superhero characters design
It's not easy making children understand why they need to put a mask on. Asking kids to do something by force doesn't always work, but if you make it fun for them and make something they love, they are unlikely to refuse.., , Its anti-fog PET VISOR sheet boasts an adjustable elastic support band and a form for head protection. Each piece is vibrant, allowing your child to channel his/her favourite superhero, and feel like one at all times. The shields are custom-made to your child's need and comes with easy sterilization instructions. The Baby Shield is for little ones who refuse to wear a mask, or tend to fiddle with it at all times. The baby shield and face mask protect your child from airways of viral entry and reduce potential infection by preventing the wearer from touching their face. , , Care: Hand washable, after every use please wash it with hand and dry with a clean cloth.