The NUVITA breast pump Materno Life new model is suitable for daily use for extracting milk in a natural way. It imitates the suction rhythm of the baby using 2+1 phase technology with 9 levels of intensity: 1st phase with 4 levels of massage and automatic stimulation. 2nd phase with 5 customizable extraction levels. The suction is delicate and imitates the two natural phases of infant breastfeeding: initial small, fast and shallow suction to stimulate, followed by slow and deep suction to favour a greater flow of milk output from the breast. 3rd "anti-stasis" phase that is selectable when desired and which promotes emptying of the breast in order to prevent galactostasis, one of the possible risks of breastfeeding. , , The Materno Life electric breast pump works both with the mains power supply and with 4 standard batteries, allowing you to use it safely even outside the home. Inside the product packaging, you will also find one 150 ml Mimic baby bottle with teat and carrying case. Perfectly simulates newborns suction while encourages a continuous flow of milk therefore causing less fatigue. It features Adapter with anti-drip silicone gasket for all Nuvita breast pumps and Mimic baby bottles Enables simple pumping of the mother's milk with an absolute comfort. Also, equipped with a massaging cup made of comfortable silicone that stimulates ducts for milk production.