Italian brand O bag has a range of accessories such as wallets, pochettes, card holders and travel beauty cases. Each accessory perfectly matches brand's bags and other fashion bags. Wallets of O bag have multiple pockets inside for cash and cards and are presented in 2 sizes: O wally and O half wally which literally means big and small wallet. , , Storage Instructions:, , We suggest taking care of the product accordingly to the material., , 1. For removing the mark, gently use a damp, non-abrasive cloth. Wring the cloth out so that it's not dripping wet and wipe it over. Follow up by drying off with a soft cloth such as a microfiber cloth., 2. For metal parts not to become dark, we recommend avoiding contact with solvents, detergents, perfumes, and any kind of antibacterial tissues., 3. Keep your wallet away from heat sources and high temperatures, and dont store it in damp places., ,
Warranty Covered: Product is covered under 1 Year standard warranty from the date of purchase.