One of the most important skincare benefits of orange is that it has a great oil control action. You can use it to reduce oil on your face by adding a few drops of this to water and spraying it all over your face. Or go ahead and add it to your favorite skincare ingredients and make your own DIY toner.
Add a few drops of this oil to your bubble bath and it leaves you feeling happy and energetic!
You can use this oil to add some sunshine to your face. Orange essential oil for skin can brighten up your face when massaged. You can even add a few drops of this oil to a natural scent-free moisturizer and use it.
The skin brightening and anti-inflammatory effects of orange essential oil help fade blemishes, acne scars, dark spots and more. Add a few drops of this to your homemade facial mask.
Sweet orange essential oil is filled with antioxidants that fight premature aging. This benefit of orange for skin decreases wrinkles and improves skin elasticity.
If you fancy smelling like fresh oranges, then you'll love using this orange oil as a natural perfume. Add a few drops of this in a carrier oil and apply it onto your wrists, behind ears, hair ends, collar bones and other key areas.
Orange essential oil for hair
It removes excess oils from your hair, which leaves it looking shiny and feeling soft. Add a few drops of it to your favorite shampoo or conditioner and you are good to go!
Add a few drops of this oil to your vaporizer and it leaves your house or workplace smelling lovely.
Its uplifting scent can transform your mood!
Add this oil your soap or dish wash liquid to enjoy a sweet, citrusy scent while cleaning or washing.
Several drops of this oil near your indoor garbage can improve scent and discourage bugs.
To avail, its aromatherapy uses, diffuse it at home or workplace. It is a natural antidepressant and diffusing it improves your mood and de-stresses your mind.
Add a few drops of it in a carrier oil and massage it into your body as a part of aromatherapy. It relieves you of body pains while improving your blood circulation.
When you need to relax after a tough day at work or if you are suffering from sleeping disorders reach out for this oil! It is a natural sedative that helps you relax. It alleviates anxiety, anger, and depression.
The moment this orangey whirlwind enters your life it'll win you over with it's sweet, citrusy fragrance. When used this sweet orange essential oil can add a ray of energy to any place. It keeps everybody motivated! When massaged into your skin it can brighten and refresh your dull skin. When used as a bath oil it can distress your mind and get it actively working. Orange essential oil benefits range from skincare to therapeutic benefits.