Knee pain is one of the most prevalent forms of joint pain. Knee pain generally occurs as the result of one of three causes. Injury, disease and mechanical issues. Injuries are the most common cause of knee pain. There is almost always acute knee pain when people injure their knees, and there is often chronic pain in the knee long after an injury has occurred. The SpiderTech Full Knee Spider and Upper Knee Spider can support injured knees, reduce the pain associated with them, and contribute to the healing process. The most common form of disease that causes knee pain is arthritis, and osteoarthritis, which is the degeneration of cartilage in the knee, is the most common form of disease that causes knee pain. As is the case with acute pain, SpiderTech Full Knee Spiders and Upper Knee Spiders can help to reduce and alleviate chronic pain while supporting the knee during normal day-to-day activity. A professionally engineered, dynamic therapeutic support for the muscles around the knee joint designed to promote the restoration of functional joint stability through neurosensory mechanisms. Knee injuries can often lead to surgery, from a simple debridement (clean out) to a total joint replacement. After injury, the quadriceps muscle can atrophy and weaken. After surgery, the knee will joint can be very swollen and it will feel unstable because of the weakness of the thigh muscle. Sometimes there is less sensation because of the swelling and the incision sites. The knee requires more stimulation and support so that you can put weight through the leg and start contracting the muscles. Wearing the Upper Knee Spider can help with the following conditions: Improved athletic performance
Patello-femoral joint instability
Ligament strains
Postoperative rehabilitation
Active, dynamic support for your knees! Decreased minor pain and enhanced functional stability
Improved performance
Aids in the prevention of further injury
Provides protection during healing