While you move between these different streams of life, a dream may urge you forward and quench your thirst, it could be while you're asleep, or while you're awake, and it could be very soon, as it happened with a friend of mine. That's when you will bend your knees in surrender over and over, and you will rise taller and taller until you reach God Almighty's highest heavens, and you will be afflicted with hunger for cheerfulness and joy. You will cry and laugh, fly and fall, and you will die, and you will live.
, , She is the waves of life throwing me right and left, like the dream of that friend of mine, until I met her, and the dream developed a different dimension and a unique color. While she was the wiser party, wiser than necessary, I went crazy over her even more, this is what I used to tell her, and she would answer me: Rather you should get rid of your barbarism and depravity. All this happened before the same deceptive waves took turns on me, and then threw me in several darkness's, and with that darkness my thoughts, my mind and all of me was talking to my beloved friend, my brother, who's absent yet present.