It's as if I've lived my whole life waiting for you," she says. In a moment, love creates an intimacy between two strangers who were just acquaintances hours ago. Here lies the magic. Here lies the illusion. Sarah and Eddie were struck by lightning and lived together a love story straight out of "One Thousand and One Nights" in seven days. Then he had to travel. He bid her farewell and said, "I'll call you," but he didn't. Not from the airport, not the next day, not in the weeks that followed. , , "Forget about him," her friends advised. But she couldn't. There must be an explanation for his absence. She trusts him. Her trust was well-placed. Indeed, there was a reason for Eddie's disappearance, a reason that the magic of love couldn't overcome, and that all the closeness that had developed between them in a moment couldn't erase. A reason that had something to do with his true identity, before love gave him a different reality, with a different identity.