From the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, the Best Book for Younger Readers - Red House Children's Book Award, the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 5 - 12 year-olds and the Blue Peter Best Story Book Award 2013, comes the ninth amazing instalment of this brilliant series!
, , TIPS FOR BEING TOP OF THE CLASS (Sadly...I did NONE of these things.)
, 1. Stay awake in lessons (it helps.)
, 2. Don't draw HILARIOUS pictures of your teachers.
, 3. AVOID the class bully to stay out of trouble.
, 4. Don't let Mum and Dad write ANYTHING in your school planner.
, 5. Don't let your grumpy sister Delia BOSS you around. (Technically not a school issue - but still important.)
, I'm TRYING to get voted onto the school council as well - but thanks to the ABOVE list it's not exactly going to plan.