It measures continuously the temperature without disturbing the child nor the parents, and keeps track of the data. If case of fever peak, an alert is immediately sent to the smartphone app. (High temperature: >38.4 degreeC (101.1 degreeF) (modifiable), Monitor your baby's sleeping position to make sure he or she is sleeping safely. An icon shows your baby's position in real time, and an alert is sent to you if he or she rolls over onto his/her stomach. Your night is more peaceful.
Tucky transmits only 0,05% of the time via "Bluetooth Low Energy", with an emission power 1000x lower than a smartphone.
Tucky has multiple profiles, it can track more than 1 child and able to connect 6 to 12 simultaneous Bluetooth (depending on the smart phone) For all ages
CE Certified & Made in FRANCE
, 1. Installation
, Download the application
, Create an account in the secured cloud with your email address
, Create a profile for each user
, 2. Linking Tucky to the smartphone
, Turn on Tucky
, Activate the Bluetooth
, Connect to the application
, Associate Tucky with the user's profile
, 3. Positioning Tucky
, Place the dedicated adhesive (ADH-21) on Tucky
, Apply Tucky under the armpit, as high as possible
, Wait 15 minutes with the arm closed for the temperature stabilization.