Rhus Succedanea: Galls are used to suppress bleeding discharges from mucous membranes.
Mimosa Pudica: Mimosa Pudica contains an alkaloid mimosine. The herb is used in cases of piles and fistula.
Therapeutic Action: Pilants capsules controls bleeding, inflammation and prevents itching. Pilants has got laxative action, prevents constipation associated with hemorrhoids.
Abutilon Indicum: This herb is used as demulcent, laxative, anti inflammatory, analgesic and to treat ulcers. The leaves are used for pile complaints. Sansevieria Roxburghiana: The plant is used in hemorrhoids. Achyranthes Aspera: Useful in stomach ache, bowl complaints, Piles, boils, skin eruptions and in bleeding piles. Dosage: One or two capsules three times a day for adult or as directed by the Physician. Route Of Administration: Oral.