The basic idea of Scavenger Hunt For Kids is pretty simple. At the beginning of every round, one player places 6 cards on the board and turns over the timer. Each card shows something to find around the house. Everyone races around the house looking for all 6 things. After 2 minutes all the players come back and show what they’ve found. Players get to move their pawns ahead 1 space for every object they’ve found. The first player to move onto the “YOU WIN” space wins the game!, , HOW TO PLAY, To begin, each player takes 1 pawn and places it on the space labelled “GO.” Next, place 6 cards with blue borders face-up on the empty spaces on the board and turn over the 2 minute timer. As soon as the timer begins, all the players should start looking around for the items shown on the cards. Players have 2 minutes to find all 6 things. As each item (or several items) are found, players should run back to the board and make a pile of the things they’ve found. When a player notices that the timer has run out, he or she should yell “TIME’S UP” and all players must immediately stop looking for things and go back to where the game is set up., One player now read the cards one by one. As each card is read, players who have found the object should hold it up, and move their pawn ahead 1 space. When everyone is done moving their pawns, the round is complete. Play 3 more rounds in the same way: