أكاديمية ممزورلد

Qasabatee Intelligent Game

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تتضمن ضريبة القيمة المضافة

5 متبقي5 متبقي
  • لا تطبق سياسة الإرجاع
  • دفع آمن
  • منتجات أصلية فقط
معلومات المنتج
  • Language - Arabic
  • Book Format - Paperback
  • Publisher - Alrouqy
  • Author - Zoheir Kassemy
  • No. of Pages - 34
  • Publishing Date - 2021
Haitham visited his grandfather in the desert. His grandfather gave him bronchial tubes. Haitham, what a gift. He thought.. Then he thought.. Then he thought. He said, "I will change them to a thousand." A creative hat and he placed it on his fingers. It became a protection against the cold. He took a tracheostomy tube and placed it in front of his eyes. I have An astronomer asked for a bowl of soapy water and put the tracheostomy tube in a bowl.
نظرة عامة
  • العمر الموصي بهلعمر 6 سنوات فما فوق
  • أبعاد المنتجلا يوجد
  • وزن المنتج0.1 كجم
  • أبعاد العبوةلا يوجد
  • وزن العبوة0.2 كجم
  • رمز المنتج الفريد32526847-9786144620793

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