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Stories Of Animals In The Holy Qura'n

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Product details
  • Format: Print Book | 183 pages
  • Language: Arabic
  • Author: Digital Future
  • Publisher: Digital Future
  • Published: 2020
It is a book (accompanied by an application with animated movies) that brings together the most important stories of animals that played a role in serving the prophets of God, peace be upon them, or those that experienced exciting adventures mentioned in the Quran. It does so in an engaging and enjoyable manner to educate and help children draw lessons from each story. The writing style is simple and brings events closer to the minds of children, especially those between the ages of ten and fourteen. This book stands out with the possibility of watching video clips of animated drawings telling these stories for free through the Digital Future application. It includes translations in English, Malay, and French. Therefore, your children will be able to watch Islamic animated cartoons with sound and images, conveying the events of these stories in an exciting and easy way. This book supports an application that includes animated movies, depicting events for children to interact with the characters and embed the stories in their minds. This makes it easy for them to recall and align with the positive behaviours presented. The translation of cartoons into English, French, and even Malay allows a large number of children to benefit from the book.

As for the stories included, they are: The Crow of Bani Adam, The Camel of Saleh, The Birds of Ibrahim, The Dog of the People of the Cave, The Wolf of Yusuf, The Whale of Yunus, The Cow of the Children of Israel, The Staff of Musa, The Clay of Isa, The Spider of the Cave, The People of the Sabbath, The Earthly Creature, The Hoopoe of Sulaiman, The Donkey of Uzayr, The Elephant of Abraha and the Birds of Ababil.
  • Recommended AgeSuitable for 7 years & above
  • Product Dimensions20.5 x 27.5 cm
  • Product Weight0.72 kg
  • Package Dimensions20.5 x 27.5 cm
  • Package Weight0.72 kg
  • SKU35495564-DFCS-9786144475126

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