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Peace And Conflict Resolution In Islam

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Product details
  • Format: Paperback | 70 pages
  • Language: English
  • Author: Flamur Vehapi
  • Published: 2014
Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam: Islamic Perspectives on War, Peace and Conflict Resolution argues the case for Islam as the prescription for constructing and maintaining a society of peace, tolerance, compassion, justice and equality at every level of humanity. The book draws exhaustively from the Qur'an and hadith, and other field related sources, and investigates and analyses historical events from the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the early caliphate of Islam. , , The author concludes that in its essence Islam is a religion of balance and peace, and as such it should be viewed not as something distant or foreign but as a modern catalyst for conflict resolution, peacemaking and peacebuilding in the global arena. Some of the topics covered include: - Historical truths and misconceptions about Islam and Muslims - The concepts of war and peace in Islam - Ethics of war and peace - Islam and Just War Theory - The question of nonviolence - Human nature and inter-personal conflict - Prophet Muhammad as a peacemaker - Muslim women as champions of peace - Practical peacemaking and conflict resolution tips - and much more.
  • Recommended AgeSuitable for Mumz
  • Package Dimensions22.0 x 30.0 x 13.0 cm
  • Package Weight0.55 kg
  • SKUBLB-9781842001608

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