This toy comes equipped with various functions to increase a childs learning ability but as well as their sensory motor interactions. The house comes with a tiny keyboard that plays different key tones when pressed, but with the switch of a button, the mode changes to play songs. Therefore, when one of the 8 keys is pressed down, a different tune will be played that a child can enjoy. On top of the keyboard, there is a row of beads of different colors that can be used to learn to count and learn colors as well. When the house is rotated there is a picture of a dog holding a key that open ups the door to the house! The toy also comes with various shape block holes that teach a child to learn the different shapes and different animals from a farm and their corresponding sound. With the various sounds, the chimney that lights up when a top makes anise, and the multitude of activities, this toy has the capability of providing endless amounts of fun