مجموعة كتب My Behaviour Counts! من 20 كتاب (سلوك الأطفال ومشاعرهم) هي سلسلة جذابة ومسلية مصممة لمساعدة الأطفال الصغار في فهم مشاعرهم والتحكم بها خلال تعلم القراءة أيضاً. كل كتاب يتضمن ملاحظات مشروحة بعناية للأهالي والمعلمين لمساعدتهم في مناقشة القصص واكتشاف النص بشكل أوسع.
العناوين المشمولة في هذه المجموعة: Lion is Angry But Learns To Manage His Temper, Monkey Can't Wait But Learns To Be More Patient, Rhino Is Shy But Learns To Be More Confident, Hippo Doesn't Think But Learns To Make Good Choices, Crocodile Is Lazy But Learns How To Be Active, Flamingo Is Mean But Learns To Be Kind, Elephant Is Rude But Learns To Be Polite, Turtle Won't Share But Learns Not to be Selfish, Parrot Won't Listen But Learns To Pay Attention, Koala Tells Lies But Learns To Tell The Truth, Antelope Is Disappointed But Learns To Carry On, Bear Is Anxious But Learns Not To Worry, Cheetah Is Messy But Learns To Tidy Up, Giraffe Gives Up But Learns How To Try, Gorilla Is Scared But Learns To Be Brave
Panther Is Jealous But Learns To Manage His Envy, Peacock Is Excited But Learns To Calm Down, Tiger Is Unkind But Learns To Care, Wolf Cheats But Learns To Play Fair, Zebra Is A Bully But Learns To Be Nice.