Written by Geraldine McCaughrean and featuring illustrations by Tony Ross; these books provide children with the perfect introduction to both Greek and Roman mythology. Adapted into short stories; children aged 7 and over who love history and have developed an interest in myths will be excited to hear all about Theseus' battle with the murderous minotaur; Jason and his battle for the Golden Fleece; and Zeus' incredible war against the Titans! These are thrilling page-turners and the shorter nature of the stories makes them extra appealing. They'll come in handy for history lessons; too.
Titles In This Collection: Theseus and the Minotaur, Perseus and the Gorgon Medusa, Zeus Conquers the Titans, Hermes Tricks the Gods, Jason and the Golden Fleece, The Twelve Labours of Heracles, City of Dreams, Daedalus and Icarus, The Adventures of Odysseus, Burning the Books, Persephone and the Pomegranate Seeds, Phaeton and the Sun Chariot, A Shot in the Dark, The Wooden Horse, Romulus and Remus, Athena and the Olive Tree.