A perfect fit: Medium and Large eartips in package.
Hygienic: Acoustic filters are fitted with advanced technology mesh. They ensure that your ears remain well ventilated at all times.
Hypoallergenic: Crescendo Bar & Dining ear plugs are made from medical grade TPE.
Value for money: Crescendo ear plugs can be used multiple times.
Natural: Natural hearing is preserved, which facilitates situational awareness.
Developed and produced by Crescendo, the Inventors of Ambient Hearing Protection.
Sounds familiar? You are meeting friends in this modern industrial-style place and you have to shout to be able to communicate. It's hard to hear your companionship and the evening turns out to be exhausting because of all the chatter, music and laughter bouncing against the hard walls. The venue placed some soft foam under the dinner tables to improve the acoustics of the building, but it hardly helps. If you could just turn the overall volume down, that would be a relief.