For an age-appropriate growth - in tune with nature
No Added Sugar
With Vitamin A, C, D, Iron and Calcium
Contains Prebiotic Fibres
No added colouring or preservative
100% Natural Ingredients
Humana Cereals offer all the nutrients a baby needs for a healthy growth. They contain: Vitamins A, C, D, & Zinc to contribute to the normal function of the immune system. FOS -prebiotic fibers - support the development of a healthy intestinal flora. Calcium, important for bones and teeth. Iron to support blood formation. Thanks to more than 60 years of experience in research and development, we support children's age appropriate growth and development by providing reliable products in tune with nature. To enable natural development for a child it needs nature's best nutrition. To achieve this quality, we provide 100% best ingredients - from the first spoon up to toddler age.