Vintage, Colorful and Realistic features in Country Style.
Sturdy wooden design.
Features shelf, oven, cooktop, washing sink, fridge, microwave, etc,.
Accessories like utensils, pots, bottles, salt and pepper shakers, pans, etc,.
Fun sensory early education activity for kids.
The Little Angel Kids Wooden Cooking Toy Play Set is a lovely and colourful country style vintage design with plenty features. It has a great range of colourful and realistic accessories like utensils, pans, pots, salt and pepper shakers, bottles, etc,. It features a shelf, washing sink, an oven, microwave, cooktop, etc, in a sturdy wooden design. A great sensory early learning toy set for your kid to encourage cooking skills with pretend play. A lovely fun activity toy playset for parents with their children or even siblings to play with. Wonderful gift for your child.