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Product details
  • Format: Paperback | 156 pages
  • Language: Arabic
  • Author: Mais Bassam
  • Published: 2023
You are like water, flowing into my being with extreme lightness, and quenching the thirst of my soul, which yearns for a purely emotional relationship. Your sorrows, your concerns, your confusions, your choices and your decisions are all parts of you that weighed down my heart for many years, I could not get rid of them in any way possible; and I found myself facing only one option, abandoning you and losing your closeness, and holding on to you from afar. So today I am asking you not to allow your absences to be long as to not make my heart hurt anymore and for you not to become harsher. , , The absence of your body does not harm me like the absence of your soul, your body is often absent, but your soul has always been surrounding me, loving me and I love it. Don't allow your soul to be absent for long, don't be absent from my mind for long, for I know that if you do not pass through my mind, then I do not pass through yours. Eissa, my sad musical symphony, you have always flaunted the depth of your melodies, and despised music that does not hurt the soul, so you yourself became a painful piece of music that will be immortalized in my memory forever and ever. , , Today, I am forced to abandon writing the words of your symphony for your soul to write it using two words: love me.
  • Recommended AgeSuitable for Mumz
  • Product Dimensions6.13 x 9.25 cm
  • Package Dimensions22.0 x 30.0 x 13.0 cm
  • Package Weight0.55 kg
  • SKUAMP-9789948797890

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