Milton Executive Lunch Box wt Lunch Bag by SAM BOX Prevents your hot and delicious meals from seepage. Carry your home-cooked meals conveniently and securely with this Double Decker lunch box set from Milton. While most home-cooked meals grow cold and lose their taste by lunchtime, the insulated soft outer jacket of this lunch box helps to effectively seal in the heat to keep your food steaming hot. The included containers make it easy to carry multiple items of your choice and let you see what lies inside to further fuel your appetite. The secure strap helps in portability and makes it easy for you to carry this leak-proof lunch box anywhere. The Milton tiffin box is a great solution for carrying these meals in a stylish package. This Lunch Box helps keep your meals warm when you are on the go. Create fun filled Nutritious Lunches for your kids during this Back to School Season.