Sage the Barista Touch espresso machine encompasses Sage's 4 keys formula for third-wave speciality coffee. All within a compact footprint. A coffee machine with built-in grinder automatically delivers the right amount, 19-22g, of ground coffee on demand. Concocting an aromatic, full-bodied experience. The ThermoJet heating system achieves the optimum extraction temperature, 93 degree C, in 3 seconds.
PID temperature control ensures the nuanced flavour notes of sour, salt, sugar, roast and bitter are perfectly balanced. 9 Bar pressure is applied during the extraction process via our 15 Bar Italian pump. Delivering charming, caramel-coloured coffee. The steam wand automatically texturizes the milk to a velvety mouthfeel.
Creating micro-foam capable of composing latte art. The new intuitive touch screen display with 5 pre-programmed cafe drinks menu essentially places the barista in your home. So you can enjoy cafe quality coffee when and wherever you chose. With a 3 second heat up time, you go from bean to cup, faster than ever before.