Reduces stress on your hands, fingers and especially your thumbs
A small and convenient blue massager offering deep or superficial massage, relieving stress on the hands and fingers it's ideal for enhancing circulation and relaxing muscles.
Recommended AgeSuitable for Mumz
Product Dimensions<!--desc-->Asmall and convenient blue massager offering deep or superficial massage, relieving stress on the hands and fingers it's ideal for enhancing circulation and relaxing muscles.<!--enddesc--><!--features-->Small and convenient massager
Ideal for trigger point treatment
Easy and functional applications
Reduces stress on your hands, fingers and especially your thumbs<!--endfeatures--><!--pkgdimensions-->40 x 35 x 35 cm<!--endpkgdimensions--><!--weight-->0.7<!--endweight--><!--sweight-->0.9<!--endsweight--><!--rage-->Suitable for Mumz<!--endrage--><!--returns-->1<!--endreturns-->