Facilitates the transport of glucose into insulin cells
Organically Bound Yeast Derivatives, Trivalent Chromium with Glucose Tolerance Factor
GTF Chromium supports blood sugar metabolism. GTF Chromium 200 mcg by Solaray is derived from Organically Bound, Trivalent Chromium Yeast with Glucose Tolerance Factor. Since the best source of chromium is true brewer's yeast Solaray GTF Chromium provides the purest, most nutritional chromium possible. Chromium is an essential trace mineral that helps the body maintain normal blood sugar levels. Research has found that chromium supplementation also improves glucose tolerance in people with Turner's syndrome - a disease linked with glucose intolerance. Chromium also plays a role in increasing HDL(the "good" cholesterol), yet lowering overall cholesterol levels. Chromium Picolinate increases fat loss and lean muscle tissue gain. Research has shown reduction in body fat and body weight in people given 400 mcg of chromium picolinate per day for three months.