As the body doesn't make or store biotin, additionally, a daily dose of this B vitamin can help maintain the biotin levels your body needs.
Biotin rich foods are organ meats, eggs, avocado and fish.
If your diet doesn't contain many biotin rich foods, or you want to increase your intake of this beauty supporting vitamin, taking a supplement is a good solution.
Solgar Biotin 300 gTablets contains 300 gof the water-soluble B Vitamin Biotin. It is perhaps best known for its beauty supporting properties, particularly for promoting healthy growth and shine for your hair. Biotin is often added to beauty products, however absorption through digestion is much higher than when applied to the skin. Biotin has coenzyme properties and is needed for the conversion of food into energy for a healthy metabolism, similar to the other B Vitamins. It works on macronutrient levels, converting fat, protein and carbohydrate. , , With its 1 a day dose, Solgar Biotin 300 gTablets will give you a healthy dose of Biotin, contributing to:
, Normal energy-yielding metabolism
, Normal functioning of the nervous system
, Normal macronutrient metabolism
, Normal psychological function
, Maintenance of normal hair
, Maintenance of normal mucous membranes
, Maintenance of normal skin