Responsible for numerous aspects of body function, each B vitamin plays its own key role in keeping things running efficiently. Together they make a mighty team. As our bodies are unable store these vital vitamins, it's up to us to keep our levels topped up, especially when stress rears its ugly head or we're not feeling our best.(in times of stress or vulnerability) Why take it? As well as giving our immune system a hefty boost, these nifty nutrients play a crucial role in growth, energy production, cardiovascular and mental health. They even keep our skin, hair and digestion in good nick too!
, , Who is at risk of deficiency? Despite being the building blocks of good health, our often compromised diets, combined with our body's inability to store these vital vitamins, leave many of us susceptible to deficiency. Among those particularly at risk are pregnant or lactating women, followers of restrictive diets, those taking certain medications, as well as the elderly or anyone under stress. , Ingredients - Pantothenic, Vitamin B6, Choline, Inositol, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Thiamine,Paba, Niacin, Riboflavin
, Storage Instruction - Store at 18-23 degrees C